When “doing it yourself” could use a little help
This site is dedicated to “do it yourself” gardeners who need a little help to instruct, motivate and create their own personal garden spaces. Working with a garden coach can streamline the process of distilling what your garden will look like and define the road map to get there.
Hands-on instruction: Let’s face it, gardens are about doing! Sometimes showing how is much easier to understand than reading about in a glossy magazine. Consultation services include trouble shooting and practical demonstration. Can’t figure out why your compost is not heating up? Why that lemon tree is struggling? Need ideas for creating privacy? Let’s look closer and find a solution together.

On-site Consultation: We will meet in your yard and discuss any garden concerns, plant choices or other needs on the fly. Minimum consultation 1/2 hour. It is recommended that you take notes. Hourly rate $75/hr.
Plant Lists: after an initial on-site consultation, a concise plant list can be tailored to your needs. Customized plant lists are based on an hourly rate of $75/hr and will include nursery sources for plant material and guidelines for planting.
To-do Lists: after an initial on-site consultation, a phased seasonal action plan can be developed. This can include follow-up cheerleading and nudging to make sure action plan goals are met. Fee based on an hourly rate of $75/hr.
Practical Demonstration: This can include fine-tuning your compost process, making raised beds with urbanite, soil prep before planting, Straw bale gardening, critter proofing, etc. Hourly rate $75/hr and you get to help!
Site Plans: After a consultation to map out the vision of your garden, drafted plans based on the site plan of your garden can be created, including plant locations and plant lists. Hourly rate of $75/hr for any hand-illustrated plans.

Contact today so we can get started!